Monday, September 8, 2014



I'm actually alive!! Alright * beep beep BIP beep * Here's the sitch: I'm hopefully going to be posting more, and possibly changing to a different blog of my own, where I'll talk about things other than my cat. I will also be starting a You Tube channel soon, and I plan to be big (like Bethany Mota or something). So, yeah. Catch you on the flippity flop!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hey, so um, I know a few people have seen my blog, and I'm not very proud about it, so I'm going to try to make some changes. Right now my cat is a total dick, and I'm dealing with on and off depression, so it'll be a while, but I'll try. Thanks for reading.

Monday, September 5, 2011

My Kitten

I have a kitten,as you may have noticed.His name is Skippyjon,and he's a girls best friend!He's gray with black stripes,and only about nine weeks old!He's the love of my life!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Life

Hi!I'm Zoe.My life is strange, but wonderful!Have you ever slid down a water slide 20 feet tall that almost goes straight down?I have!Have you ever tried Calamari?(That's another word for Fried Squid!)I have!Have any of you kids ever baked something on your own?I have!Have you tried fish eggs? I have!So,my life is strange and Wonderful!AND I LIKE IT!